In Part 1, we discussed the basics of this member of the vitamin E family and explained why tocotrienols have more health benefits than tocopherols. This month we will discuss the amazing tocotrienol health effects on inflammation, heart disease, bone health, metabolic health, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and fatty liver disease.
Breast Cancer
Gamma-tocotrienol form of vitamin E suppresses breast cancer cell metastasis
Vitamin E is the collective name for a group of eight related vitamins, including four tocopherols (α, β, γ, and δ-tocopherol) and four tocotrienols (α, β, γ, and δ-tocotrienol). The eight variants have different distributions in foods and somewhat different biological activities. Alpha-tocopherol (α-tocopherol) is the most abundant form of vitamin E and is the isoform typically found in vitamin E supplements. Even brands containing mixed tocopherols do not contain any tocotrienols. However, evidence is accumulating that gamma-tocotrienol (γ-tocotrienol) is most effective in suppressing the proliferation of both hormone receptor positive (ER+/PR+) and triple negative (ER-/PR-/HER2-) breast cancer cells, as well as inducing their apoptosis (programmed cell death). Now a new study has reported that gamma-tocotrienol inhibits crucial steps in metastasis in a dose-response manner in both ER+/PR+ and triple negative cell
Gamma-tocotrienol eliminates breast cancer stem cells
Drug-resistant human breast cancer cells express high levels of Stat-3 signalling mediators essential for enrichment of cancer stem cells. Alone or in combination with simvastatin , low doses of gamma-tocotrienol eliminates human breast cancer stem cells via inhibition of the mevalonate pathway and activation of the novo ceramide synthesis pathways.
Gamma Tocotrienol for Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment
After reviewing the available science and biochemistry on gamma tocotrienol Specialized form of vitamin E. Powerful antioxidant showing positive benefits for cholesterol, cardiovascular, neurological health and cancer risk reduction. and cancer, researchers from the University of Louisiana at Monroe proclaimed, “The synergistic anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects demonstrated by combined low dose treatment of gamma tocotrienol Specialized form of vitamin E. Powerful antioxidant showing positive benefits for cholesterol, cardiovascular, neurological health and cancer risk reduction. with other chemotherapeutic agents may provide significant health benefits in the prevention and/or treatment of breast cancer in women, while at the same time avoiding tumor resistance and toxic side effects associated with high dose monotherapy.”
Woman’s World magazine includes Red Palm Fruit Oil in article on lowering breast cancer risk
Robin Miller
Everyone knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer. The deadly disease claims the lives of too many of our mothers, sisters and daughters each year. The good news is incidences of breast cancer have been dropping over the past decade, but we can’t stop there. News that products made with healthy palm oil may play a role in thwarting the spread of breast cancer cells is getting widespread attention.