Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant, can only be obtained as a food supplement, but has widely-known health benefits for the skin, heart and brain. Deficiency of vitamin E is rarely naturally-occurring, but when it does appear, it is typically caused by fat malabsorption disorders or genetic abnormalities. Vitamin E is well-known in the cosmetic world for its skin benefits, but also protects against toxins that can deteriorate the eyes and brain.

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Annatto: Delivering Tocotrienols from Amazonia

Today, annatto is known to be one of the superior sources of tocotrienols, whose researched health benefits mirror some of those passed down from ancient traditions. Unique among the plant kingdom, annatto produces only tocotrienols, whereas all other known sources of this vitamin E nutrient, such as palm and rice, deliver mixtures of tocopherols and tocotrienols, typically containing anywhere from 25-50% alpha-tocopherol. This is one ancient secret steeped into an Amazonian past.

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Her son’s eczema inspired her to create an anti-inflammatory moisturising cream

Welcoming your first child is a time of great joy, but also a time of great anxiety. Worries about whether you’re feeding him right, carrying her correctly, bathing him properly and interpreting her heart-rending cries accurately, are common emotional companions for first-time parents. So, it’s hard enough coping with a healthy baby, but what if he or she also has a health problem?

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Department of Bioprocess Technology professor Dr Lai Oi Ming had her first, and only, child in 2013. But her joy in welcoming her firstborn was marred by his unexpected skin condition.

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Vitamin E Oil: Why You Should Use On Your Body With Caution

You’ve probably heard your doctor discuss the health benefits of taking vitamin E, which include boosting your immune system, preventing stroke-induced brain damage and protecting against certain cancers. But vitamin E oil can also work wonders when it comes to your hair, skin and nails. (Just take a look at this girl’s smooth alabaster complexion). However, it isn’t as simple as buying a face cream labeled with the powerful ingredient.

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The Benefits of Vitamin E for Your Skin

The skin is the body’s biggest organ. You’ve undoubtedly heard this before, but most of us are less concerned with the specifics and more concerned with the appearance of our skin. After all, it’s our skin that remains one of the first things that others notice about us. We’d like to put our best face forward … literally. While most of us know the basics, such as keeping the skin clean and moisturizing regularly, any other specifics may or may not be as prominent in our lives or skincare routines. To help protect your skin and feel confident in yourself, take a look at why adding Vitamin E to the mix is a must.

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Here’s why you should be taking vitamin E

Vitamin E sure tops the chart of our favourite beauty ingredients. It has intense hydrating and anti-ageing properties, and can work wonders on your skin and hair if applied regularly. We list down all the skin and hair concerns that Vitamin E can be used to fight against.

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Ten benefits of vitamin E oil

Vitamin E is not a single vitamin, but rather a group of fat-soluble vitamins with antioxidant effects.

Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are electrons that have broken off from an atom. Free radicals have been linked to a wide range of health conditions, from cancer to premature aging.

Vitamin E oil is derived from vitamin E and can be applied directly to the skin, or added to lotions, creams, and gels. Many supporters of vitamin E oil argue that it is a potent antioxidant, but research on its benefits is mixed.

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As the days grow longer, the sun hotter and the hours spent outside more plentiful, it’s important to know which supplements to take to keep your body functioning in the heat. A study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine found that vitamin C and vitamin E supplements can help protect skin against harmful ultraviolet radiation. This means less DNA damage, fewer sunburns and decreased risk of skin cancer. However, to reap the shielding benefits of these vitamins, these supplements must be taken together. Only taking vitamin C can increase immune function, and vitamin E on its own is an antioxidant that takes out potentially damaging free radicals. But if you want to enjoy the anti-ultraviolet effects of these supplements, it’s critical to take them both.

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