Alpha-tocopherol is an alternative name for vitamin E, which has many important functions in your body. A potent antioxidant, alpha-tocopherol protects you from potentially damaging free radicals, while also boosting your immune system to help you fight off viruses and pathogenic bacteria. It also helps your body make new red blood cells and widens your blood vessels, potentially lowering your risk of developing blood clots. The best way to obtain vitamin E, according to the National Institutes of Health, is to consume vitamin E-rich foods.
15 Top Foods That Are High In Vitamin E
Health experts recommend consuming a diet rich in vitamin E to maintain a healthy body. An average adult needs 15 mg of the vitamin to prevent its deficiency which the following food sources can provide.
11 Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin E
A vitamin enriched diet is extremely important for your well being. Vitamins possess a number of amazing benefits that keep you strong and active. With that being said, vitamin E and its properties are considered amongst the most remarkable. You may have heard about benefits of vitamin E for skin, but did you know that vitamin is equally important for cardiovascular health? It is also one of the essential vitamins that help maintain and enhance your eye health, keeping you away from macular degeneration and symptoms associated with cataract development. Vitamin E is said to combat factors that contribute to neurological diseases as well. This is why many physicians and beauticians emphasize that your diet should have an adequate amount of vitamin E.
Stay Young & Slim With These Vitamin E Rich Foods
Want to Slow Aging and reduce weight naturally? Then start eating foods rich in Vitamin E. These foods are not only rich source of antioxidants but also prevent free radical damage to specific fats in the body that are critical for your health. Vitamin E is found only in plant foods, including certain oils, nuts, grains, fruits and wheat germ. It is also available as a supplement.
How to apply vitamin E capsules on to the skin directly
Our body needs various vitamins and tablets for proper functioning of the body. There are individual benefits from each vitamin such as vitamin B whose supplement is becosules benefit overall development. In the same manner, Vitamin E not only promotes a smooth and healthy skin but also gets rid of burns, stretch marks,and scars.
Its daily use can help rejuvenate the skin by giving it a younger and healthier look. It might even be a better treatment than that expensive anti-ageing creams that you buy from departmental stores. However, what most people don’t know is that vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, and fights those nasty free radicals which can damage your skin and not mention, your body.
FDA’s new nutrition label regulation for fat-soluble vitamins
In 2020, FDA expects fat-soluble vitamins to be measured in metric units rather than international units as was expected in the past. Once the IU unit for vitamin E is obsolete and changed to mg of alpha-tocopherol, natural alpha-tocopherol (or d-alpha-tocopherol) will be worth twice the amount of synthetic alpha-tocopherol (or dl-alpha-tocopherol) as vitamin E.
Vitamin E Can Help Restore Irregular Calcium Balance in Cell Models of Friedreich’s Ataxia, Study Suggests
Vitamin E can be used to help restore the irregular balance of calcium that contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction in neutron and heart cell models of Friedreich’s Ataxia.
The study with that finding, “Calcium Deregulation: Novel Insights to Understand Friedreich’s Ataxia Pathophysiology,” was published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.
Familial Dysautonomia Affects Jews Almost Exclusively
Familial dysautonomia (FD) ; also known as Riley-Day syndrome and autonomic neuropathy type III, is a genetic disorder that affects the development and survival of certain nerve cells and causes sensory and autonomic dysfunction. The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary actions such as digestion, breathing, production of tears and the regulation of blood pressure and body temperature. It also affects the sensory nervous system, which controls activities related to the senses, such as taste and the perception of pain, heat and cold.
Tocotrienol from palm may slow the progression of diabetic kidney disease, says new study
Supplementation with a full-spectrum palm tocotrienol complex may slow the progression of diabetic kidney disease in those with type 2 diabetes, a new study published in Nutrients1 found. Patients with diabetic kidney disease have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease events, hospitalization, cognitive dysfunction, and poor quality of life, say the researchers. In the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 45 patients who have had type 2 diabetes for an average of 18.5 years, and diabetic kidney disease, were assigned to receive either placebo or the tocotrienol complex (400 mg/day) for eight weeks.
New research backs tocotrienol-rich vitamin E’s metabolic function benefits
Supplementation with tocotrienol-rich vitamin E may benefit metabolic function, according to results from a new clinical trial.
Researchers at Monash University Malaysia found that study participants who ingested a tocotrienol-rich vitamin E product had significantly reduced creatinine, one of these biomarkers, compared to the placebo group.