Tocotrienol E Helps Reduce Fatty Liver

Byron J. Richards

It is understood that as your belly grows in size fat also piles up in your liver and clogs it into a state of poor function that leads to health decline, and cardiovascular, and metabolic health risks.  Two new studies with tocotrienols explain how they can help correct such obesity related distress.

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Tocotrienols May Help Stomach Cancer

Byron J. Richards

Stomach cancer is very difficult to treat.  Cancer drugs are notoriously ineffective and the other option of having the stomach removed creates many health problems.  Researchers tested gamma tocotrienol and found that it could significantly help kill stomach cancer when combined with chemo drugs that typically don’t work well.  Furthermore, gammatocotrienol had specific properties of its own to reduce or help prevent stomach cancer.

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Palm oil for the heart

TOCOTRIENOL may not be a familiar name to the public, but worldwide, scientists are looking to see how this natural Vitamin E, found abundantly in palm oil, may help stroke, cancer and diabetes patients.

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Vitamin E Tocotrienol Supplement Delays Progression of Advanced Liver Disease

New research conducted at The Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center suggests an alternate form of natural vitamin E delays the progression of disease in patients awaiting liver transplantation, the only definitive therapy that reduces a patient’s morbidity, mortality and improves their quality of life. The study shows, for the first time, successful delivery of the vitamin – administered orally – to vital human organs such as the brain, heart, liver, skin and fatty tissue.

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Vitamin E Could Best Vitamin A at Preventing Photodamage

Charlotte Lo Buono

Italian scientists have found that vitamin E may be more effective than vitamin A in preventing UV-induced skin damage. Their data also suggest that certain compounds in the vitamin E family called tocotrienols are more effective at preventing photodamage to the skin than tocopherols, another group of compounds in the vitamin E family that are more well known and widely used in cosmetics. The team’s research was recently published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. According to a report by, their findings indicate that tocotrienols, which have not been widely studied before, may have a use as an ingredient in skin care products including sunscreen and moisturizer.

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Vitamin E tocotrienols protect the heart and prevent metabolic syndrome

John Phillip

Few people pay attention to the importance of vitamin E, much less to the multi-fractioned mirror image versions of the vitamin known as isomers (consisting of tocotrienols and tocopherols). Vitamin E has long been known as a nutrient that may play a role in maintaining heart health, but extensive new research explains that the vitamin in all its potent forms is required to dramatically lower the risk of heart disease and heart attack.

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Vitamin E tocotrienols improve metabolic markers to prevent vascular and cancer risks

John Phillip

Very few people realize that there are eight different fractions of vitamin E known as tocotrienols that are essential to optimal health and protect against vascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Tocotrienols are so critical that new research demonstrates a shortage of these vitamin isomers can lead to premature chromosomal telomere shortening and reduced lifespan. Reporting in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, researchers show that tocotrienols can extend the length of the zipper-like genetic strands and protect against DNA damage. Natural food sources for tocotrienols are few, so it may be necessary to supplement with this vital nutrient to reap the amazing vascular and life-extending benefits.

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