Palm oil tocotrienol rich fraction reduces extracellular matrix production by inhibiting transforming growth factor-β1 in human intestinal fibroblasts.

Luna J, Masamunt MC, Llach J, Delgado S, Sans M.

BACKGROUND&AIMS: Extracellular matrix deposition is key event for the development of bowel stenosis in Crohn’s disease patients. Transforming growth factor-β plays a key role in this process. We aimed at characterizing the effects of tocotrienol rich fraction on ECM proteins production and molecules that regulate the synthesis and degradation of extracellular matrix, matrix metalloproteinase-3 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1, in human intestinal fibroblasts, and at elucidating whether the effects of tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF) are mediated through inhibition of TGF-β1.

METHODS: HIF were isolated from colonic or ileal tissue from Crohn’s disease patients and control subjects, and were treated with TRF from palm oil either alone or in combination with TGF-β1. Procollagen 1, procollagen 3, TIMP-1 and MMP-3 production, and Smad3 phosphorylation were analyzed by Western-blotting.

RESULTS: TRF significantly diminished procollagen 1 and 3 synthesis in HIF. Treatment of HIF with TRF increased MMP-3 production but did not modify TIMP-1. TGF-β1 induced Smad3 phosphorylation and enhanced procollagen 1 and 3 and TIMP-1 production. Pre-treatment of HIF with TRF prevented Smad3 phosphorylation and minimized the increase in collagen 1 and 3 production caused by TGF-β1.

CONCLUSIONS: TRF has anti-fibrogenic effects on HIF, decreasing ECM production and increasing its degradation. This effect is mediated, at least in part, by inhibition of TGF-β1