Natural forms of vitamin E comprise four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. During the last twenty years, there have been breakthroughs in our understanding of vitamin E metabolism and biological activities of vitamin E metabolites. Research has established that tocopherols and tocotrienols are metabolized via ω-hydroxylase (CYP4F2)-initiated side chain oxidation to form 13′-hydroxychromanol and 13′-carobyxychromanol (13′-COOH). 13′-COOHs are further metabolized via β-oxidation and sulfation to intermediate carboxychromanols, terminal metabolite carboxyethyl-hydroxychroman (CEHC), and sulfated analogs. Animal and human studies show that γ-, δ-tocopherol and tocotrienols are more extensively metabolized than α-tocopherol (αT), as indicated by higher formation of CEHCs and 13′-COOHs from non-αT forms than those from αT. 13′-COOHs are shown to be inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-1/-2 and 5-lipoxygenase and much stronger than CEHCs for these activities. 13′-COOHs inhibit cancer cell growth, modulate cellular lipids and activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ and pregnane X receptor. Consistent with mechanistic findings, αT-13′-COOH or δTE-13′-COOH, respective metabolites of αT or δ-tocotrienol, show anti-inflammatory and cancer-preventive effects, modulates the gut microbiota and prevents β-amyloid formation in mice. Therefore, 13′-COOHs are a new class of bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities and potentially capable of modulating lipid and drug metabolism. Based on the existing evidence, this author proposes that metabolites may contribute to disease-preventing effects of γ-, δ-tocopherol and tocotrienols. The role of metabolites in αT’s actions may be somewhat limited considering controlled metabolism of αT because of its association with tocopherol-transport protein and less catabolism by CYP4F2 than other vitamin E forms.